Wednesday, June 15, 2005

This falls under the Outright Despicable category

Why wasn't this covered by MSM?


And here is an article by Elizabeth Kantor of Human Events Conservative Booknotes.

You Can Take the Abortionist Out of the Back Alley . . .

Posted Thursday, June 16, 2005 12:51:43 PM

You can take the abortionist out of the back alley, but can you take the back alley out of the abortionist?

Legalization of abortion in America was promoted in the 1960s and '70s with the argument that bringing it into reputable doctors' offices would keep women safe from the unprofessional "abortion butchers" plying their trade in back alleys. And legal abortion continues to be defended the same way today. The theory is that women need to be protected from the unscrupulous predators who would victimize them in their desperation, if abortion were outlawed. Conservative columnist Suzanne Fields summed up this strain of pro-choice argumentation thus:

". . . abortion is legal, and likely to remain that way in the first trimester because the majority of Americans want it that way. That doesn't make it right, but it does observe the reality. Many in this majority, probably most, would never have an abortion themselves, but they know about the back-alley abortions in the bad old days when women, such as a married aunt of mine, died at the hands of abortion butchers who prospered outside the law in the way bootleggers did during Prohibition."

Modern manufacturers and distributors of alcohol are a real improvement on Prohibition-era bootleggers like Al Capone. But there are some businesses that, no matter how you try to mainstream them, don't seem to clean up all that well. They never really become respectable. Instead, they tend to drag the mainstream culture down toward their own level.

Pornography is one of those industries. It's legal, it's everywhere, and it's overwhelming our whole culture's standards, as Ben Shapiro handily demonstrates in Porn Generation. But it still isn't the kind of career you want to talk about with your neighbors -- or even your own children. (See, for example, this Wired story about the how "the porn webmaster community" grapples with balancing career and family life.)

And abortion is another. Legalizing abortion didn't magically turn regular doctors into abortionists, or abortionists into regular doctors. Of course, many doctors were corrupted -- some in small ways, some spectacularly -- by the opportunities opened up to them by legal abortion. That kind of corruption is bound to happen in any situation where atrocities are suddenly no longer forbidden, and suddenly profitable. But while, thank heavens, the whole medical profession didn't sink to the level of the "abortion butcher," neither did the doctors now legally performing abortions really rise to the standards of the rest of the medical profession. The fact is, the kind of surgeon who wants to make his living killing babies (or who resorts to abortion because he can't succeed in any more reputable field) is not your average kind of doctor.

The bizarre case of Kansas City abortionist Krishna Rajanna, which you can read about -- but ONLY if you have a strong stomach -- on World Net Daily this week, is, it has to be admitted, not typical even of abortionists who get in legal trouble -- of whom there are significant numbers. (Click here to get to a page with links to news stories about "Abortionists in Trouble." As those links and this NewsMax story suggest, sexual assault seems to be the more usual kind of sleazy behavior they're involved in.)

Dr. Rajanna appears not to have been a fan of personal or clinic hygiene, and his ideas about how to dispose of the "medical waste" into which he had turned the babies he aborted were eccentric, to say the least. Gruesome details and links ONLY for folks who want to see what his clinic (and the inside of its refrigerator) looked like appear in this World Net Daily piece. The doctor's refrigerator was a portrait of the banality of evil: plastic bags, disposable cups, and cut-off milk cartons full of tiny body parts in one side of the fridge, a cake and a bottle of Dr. Pepper in the other.

The Kansas state board that regulates the practice of medicine has revoked Dr. Rajanna's license for not keeping his clinic clean. But even if he'd used a sterilizer instead of a dishwasher, and medical waste disposal containers instead of a toilet and garbage bags, he'd still have been in a very dirty business.