Thursday, June 23, 2005

Sen. Pelosi to the Rescue -- Not!

I can see it in my mind. Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, with her face red, stomps in rage of the insensitivity of Karl Rove's accusation of her ilks. Apparently, she is still bitter of the success of the throngs of brave American people who demanded apology from the Sen. Dick "I want to hug all the terrorists" Durbin. Pelosi refused to denounce Sen. Durbin for his comment equating the treatment of the prisoners in Gitmo to that of Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot. We all know what Sen. Pelosi is saying. It's nothing but rhetoric. She has nothing to offer but her deep hatred and bitterness towards the Bush Administration.

And others jumped in the bandwagon. Ooh. Are you (raving mad liberals) reeling with emotional hurt stemming from Mr. Rove's comment? Do you need psychological therapy, too?