Friday, January 27, 2006

Gore accuses big oil of bankrolling Tories

Blah, blah, blah.... Not too long ago, we could say, "Why don't you just move to Canada" to a windbag like Gore. Now, I guess we need to suggest such folk move much farther to places like France or Sweden. We were none too pleased when the Canadians were meddling in our past elections, appropriately so. Now Gore has reached a new low by stooping to liberal Canadians' level. Then again, it should surprise noone. What do you expect from a left-wing nut job? If noone heard your nonsense ranting the first time, you must rant louder and find more things to rant about. This is consistent with the Left's ideology and is the reason the Democrats chose Howard Dean as its party chairman.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Canada crumbling

Yet one more reason to feel sorry for our neighbor to the north but a reason to be hopeful for the victory of (Judeo-Christian) conservatism.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Curing Poverty or Using Poverty?

by Thomas Sowell
Human Events

Taxing the Rich Doesn't Feed the Poor -- Or Help the Economy

by Walter E. Williams
Human Events

Monday, January 09, 2006

Belafonte Calls Bush 'Greatest Terrorist'

Hollywood assininity seems to be a dime a dozen these days. Bellafonte is jumping on a broken down bandwagon. Socialism has been tried and found wanting for ages and in various places throughout the world. This just proves that there is no end to the Celebrity Airhead Syndrome. I'm certain that Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. would have disapproved of Harry's poor and idiotic judgement. Neither would he spout the Cuban communist motto, "'Viva la revolucion!'" or associate himself with a socialist movement such as Chavez's. On the other hand, SeƱor Fidel Castro would be proud. Let's see how long it'll take before the young black kids will start chanting this despicable motto.

Related articles here and here.

Friday, January 06, 2006

It's the Demography, Stupid

Mark Steyn is a brilliant man.

In a December 13, 2005 entry concerning the outcry over Tookie Williams' execution, I concluded that "Europe is dying." I'd like to modify this slightly. The West is dying. There is none in the EU who has the will to stand at Europe's gates to proclaim to the forces of Islam, "You shall not pass!" In America, the days of the American revolutionaries who cried, "No King but King Jesus" have long passed and is being replaced by soft tolerance and relativistic worldviews.