Monday, June 19, 2006

Yorke: 'I'm An Environmental Hypocrite'

Because Thom Yorke lacks the ability to reason and justify his own actions, he resorts to placating everyone as a hypocrite. It's just convenient for him to call everyone else a hypocrite just because he knows he is one. This is pretty much what any honest liberal will be forced to admit and any thinking liberal will be forced to resort if he is to find a justification for his own action. Either way, the two sides, thinking and honest, cannot be reconciled. If one attempts to reconcile them, he would look stupid like Thom Yorke. "I'm a hypocrite; therefore everyone else is, too." He is but a radical, nutjob environmentalist who knows little about the environment and the caretaking thereof aside from the bad info he receives from other radical nutjobs, such as Al Gore. The conservatives have a better, more realistic solution to conservation but the liberals would be damned if they turn to the conservatives for a solution or admit that the conservatives have a less hypocritical solution.