Thursday, June 30, 2005

Same-Sex Marriage Legalized in Spain

Europe is getting ever darker and filthier. I think President Zapatero is right when he said, "We were not the first but I am sure we will not be the last." Others will follow and the degeneration of Europe will continue because of this precedence. Spain is heading towards its own destruction. First, its people dispatched its conservative leader and elected Zapatero. As if that wasn't enough of a blunder, it withdrew from the Coalition from Iraq because of the strong liberal push from within. Meanwhile, the nation is falling apart for its inability to deal with Al Qaeda and the Basque Separatist Movement, exacerbated by its own conflicting liberal ideology. Now this. I only hope that a similar domino effect will not take place in the US from outside influence of its errant neighbor, Canada and the degenerate liberals within. May we look to Spain as a disturbing example of what to avoid.