Thursday, June 02, 2005

Down with Santana

Here is another sad story of an aging rocker showing his poor taste to the public. He should've quit a long time ago when he was just hopped up on drugs and not this hokey shamanism spirituality. Now he's flaunting Che Guevara of all people at the Academy Awards. Che was a despicable character. Now that the ignorant young kids who know little of Che are displaying his likeness on their outfits as if it were cool, Santana had to jump on board, too. I guess it wasn't so surprising that his comeback album was motivated by his hokey spirituality and was pandered to the younger audience who were easily satisfied by half-baked (pun intended) art.

Note to Carlos: Retire now and save yourself from further embarrassment from your ignorance. If the Mainstream Media don't want to cover it, I guess I'll volunteer to be the one to tell you this.