Thursday, June 16, 2005

Sean Penn in Iran

I read an article on Editor and Publisher about Sean Penn's interview with one of the 8 candidates of the upcoming Irani presidential election. There was nothing really interesting about the article or anything compelling about what Sean Penn is doing in Iran. The election itself is a joke. Unlike what the above said candidate said re: the Irani election being more democratic than an American election based on the number of candidates on the ballot, those candidates are actually hand picked and approved by the government. No matter who wins, the Mullah will be happy. It doesn't sound democratic to me. Anyway, back to the article. I found these paragraphs to be a bit of a farce.

"The actor caused a stir when he attended Friday prayers last week and heard the 'Death to America' chants. But on a visit to Iran's Film Museum in Tehran this week he told a student that those oft-heard chants hurt Iran-U.S. relations.

'I understand the nature of where it comes from and what its intention is,' he said. 'But I don't think it's productive because I think the message goes to the American people and it is interpreted very literally.'"

"But I don't think it's productive?" What does that mean? I think it depends on what one thinks being productive means. In a country whose government does not want democracy and rejects the western value of freedom, I'm not so sure it's unproductive to chant "Death to America." After all, they mean it. Anyone aware of the history of relationship between Iran and America understands that they would annihilate us if they could. We are satan to them. To interpret the chant as anything less than literal would be foolish. Even if one isn't familiar with the relationship I mentioned, how else should one interpret the statement? So, what does Mr. Penn prefer these Iranis do that would be more productive? I think I know the answer to this. Start coddling up with the American liberals and the media. The chants aren't helping the Left with their liberal cause. If this continues, the media would have to edit most of the stuff they capture in Iran and would have nothing to report that would further their bias. Stop the chanting and start courting the American Left who are ready to welcome them with open arms. Mr. Penn just can't stand the thought that the Bush Administration might be right about Iran or anything and may be doing good things to protect the American people from those who desire nothing more than to annihilate them.