Thursday, June 16, 2005

Democrats Just Can't Stop Embarrassing Themselves

The Democrats must be getting desperate. It's not enough that Howard Dean has been embarrassing the Party, now Sen. Durbin is helping him. I'm not complaining. In the process of doing so, they inadvertently are increasing the Republican base. Lacking any substantial political stance, they become attack dogs who growl at everything the Bush Administration is doing -- well or not.

Earlier, I wrote about Sean Penn's journalistic visit to Iran. Well, Mr. Penn, here is a target audience for your "It's unproductive" speech. You can inform Sen. Durbin that what he and many other Democratic Congressmen are doing are not productive. I don't have any proof right now, but we shall see in the next election whose Party is going to win the votes. Say "no" to Gitmo. Say "no" to judiciary candidates. Say "no" to UN representative candidate. But say "yes" to filibuster. That's just too bad and shameful, not to mention unproductive.