Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Tips on Education for Parents (Home Schoolers and Otherwise)

By John Mark Reynolds
Scriptorium Daily

As much as possible Christians must renew the cultural imagination of the Fathers of the Church. One way to do this is to soak in the cultural background that formed the basis for the New Testament, council, creeds, and the liturgy of those times. One should read a good deal of Greek philosophy and then review other forms of Hellenistic writing, especially theater and science. The central Jewish and Christian elements demand greater and more sustained attention.

Hopefully this total immersion will begin at an early age so that the mind of a child is formed by the dialectic between Athens and Jerusalem. Children reared on great books, great music, and great ideas will be able to enjoy the best of popular culture, but also have access to the higher things.


Finally, it is the essence of the dialectic that no person learns alone. Find a group of like minded people and read together. Discuss everything as a family. Pick a family television show and discuss that as well. The more you question and allow yourself to be questioned, the more you will discover about the budding young adult in your house. My oldest son and I are beginning this process. It has frustrating moments when I provoke eye rolling, but it is mostly a joy for us both.

Love your children, give them to God, set them free to follow the Logos wherever it leads and all will be well! (more)