Friday, March 06, 2009

'Obama' snacks don't go down well in Indonesia

Can you remember the last time you tasted a President snack? I can't. Obama may be the first US President ever to have a snack named after him. Imagine how tasty the Coolidge Crackers or the Roosevelt Ruffles could have been. Hmm....

Here are a few delectable "morsels" from the article with my comments.

"consumer activists are already calling for it to be banned."

Due to the recent approval of the out-of-control and irresponsible Government spending budget, many consumer activists are justified in calling for a ban for such a bloated and unhealthy snack. Consumer activists should demand an additional clear label that indicates "This product contains pork."


That is a word that can be used to describe the Obama campaign fundraising tactics. It could also refer to the ubiquitous stylized "O" that became emblematic of his campaign.
Example usage: The "O" branding campaign is gimmicky. An 'O' a day keeps the investors away.

caricature of US President"

Thus far the Obama performance has been merely a caricature of the promises, not to mention the persona, he made during his Presidential campaign.

It also bears a peace symbol and the word 'peace,'"

Testamints, the hippie version.

The snack contains a free bonus that is "
potentially harmful to children's health."

Currently, within the Obama Production Office, a policy is being crafted to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, aka DOMA that would result in such a bonus. Lest children fret about their chances of finding a free bonus in the Obama Snack being limited, they can rest assured that even those unborn or born unwanted could soon expect to receive this bonus in the Obama. Woohoo!!! Free stuff, baby!!!

What's the aim of using such an image? It's defamation and the producer should be investigated,'"

Aah..., the delight of living in a dictatorship.

500-rupiah (four-cent) packet of 'Obamas'"

4 cents!? The Obama packet is worth way, way more than that, thank you! It's more like $1.2 trillion or whatever the most current price is. Oh, and the packet gets pricier everyday. Simply put, you can't afford it.

'We urge the government to investigate the product,'"

I really do want my representative government to investigate this multi-trillion-dollar packet.

The news report indicates that the Obama Snack "
might have a dubious permit" due to the omission of the necessary production code and expiration date.

Well, I don't know about the expiration date but rest assured it will expire, likely in 4 to 8 years. Better wean yourself from the Obama Snack before it expires, or else you might find yourself with a stale and harmful snack in your mouth. And speaking of a dubious permit and missing production code, I thought a US Presidential snack must be of US origin. I heard a rumor, or was that a news report?, about a missing production certificate and therefore invalid Presidential permit.


Hogwash! VP Biden declared the Obama "clean."

could be mistaken as food by infants."

Comprehensive welfare and single-payer universal healthcare: food or poison?

It seems, the self-proclaimed "Anti-Terrorist Snack" is equally unpallatable to terrorists, anti-terrorists, pacifists, and those happy to sit on the sideline.