Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Advance Liberty, Overturn Roe!

By John Mark Reynolds
Scriptorium Daily

Every aborted baby looks alike, but every child allowed to live becomes absolutely unique. Abortion crushes liberty for the sake of a single choice—it ends possibility with the cruel actuality of murder.

Roe should be overturned because by judicial fiat it hallows killing the innocent as part of our Constitution. In a just society there can be no right to do evil. Not every evil should be illegal, but no evil action should be hallowed as a constitutional right.

It took years and much horror to remove slavery, another soul crushing immorality, from the Constitution, but at least the Founders authored this bad law. The court imposed a “culture of death,” to borrow a phrase from John Paul the Great, on our nation, contrary to our oldest traditions, our best moral impulses, and the gradual expansion of liberty and justice to all Americans.

Liberty always loses when the weak lose rights for the benefit of the stronger.

Though few wish their children to grow up to be abortionists, abortion gains some social acceptability because it became associated with women’s rights. Women should have power over their own bodies. Women often face cultural prejudices, stereotypes, and barriers based on sex. Abortion is presented as a tool for social equality.

Putting roses on the table while you serve a fetid meal will not improve the taste, though it might distract the guests for a time. Associating the moral good of women’s civil equality with abortion does not change the immorality of abortion. If anything, it harms the good cause by falsely associating it in the public mind with the moral evil.

The right to control over one’s own body ends at the other person’s body. Here, advances in technology have given Americans a window on the womb and knowledge which the authors of Roe did not have. The unborn child is not merely an organ of the mother’s body. Science is at war with the reasoning of Roe. The unborn child is genetically unique from the moment of conception.

Nor does history suggest that social equality for a group is best gained by suppressing a different group. When the state is given power to declare one group of humans unequal before the bar of justice, it does not restrain itself for long. Poor whites in the old South tried to advance by supporting the oppression of African-Americans. This strategy did not secure what they sought and made them complicit in a great evil.

Of course, abortion will not end if it is illegal. Other forms of killing continue though they have remained illegal for the decades that the failed abortion experiment has continued. If abortion is the taking of innocent human life, then making it safe should not be a goal of government.

Some assert that killing a baby is no worse than refusing to give a family a government welfare check. Being born into poverty is not good because it limits possibilities, but being killed is a good deal more limiting. Abraham Lincoln managed to overcome “regressive” social welfare policies and rise from poverty to the White House, but an aborted Lincoln would have never freed the slaves and saved the Union.

Asking us to wait for some Utopia where every child is born into “better” conditions is an excuse to tolerate evil. Nobody is sure of the best way to end poverty, or if poverty can even be ended, in a society that is otherwise livable.

Liberals and conservatives don’t take a different moral position: both think it wrong when children are born into stifling poverty. They disagree about what to do about it. The argument is about the best and appropriate means to an ideal end on which all agree.

The abortion issue is different. The disagreement is more fundamental. Pro-life voters (a group including both liberals and conservatives) wish to protect the unborn while those in favor of Roe do not. Pro-Roe voters may personally be opposed to abortion, but they must not think the unborn child is fully human or their failure to grant her the right to life is unconscionable.

Given this fact, why then should abortion regulations be left to the states?

There is a good pragmatic reason and also a reason related to our form of government.

Pragmatically it recognizes that only a “states-rights” solution will allow any civil progress on this issue in the immediate future. Effectively ending abortion in states with a pro-life consensus, such as Louisiana or Utah, will be better than the current situation. There is no reason Utah should be forced to have the same abortion policies as California.

As a federalist, I am also opposed to allowing the government in Washington the last word on everything of importance. The expansion of federal power at the expense of the states is another evil of the last fifty years of court decisions. Each state has different laws regarding the definition of murder and manslaughter. Each state is allowed different penalties regarding such crimes. There is no reason to make abortion a “federal” crime and there are good reasons for a federalist to oppose it.

When Roe is overturned, God willing, the battle for human rights will continue. It will be fought out in each of the fifty states. Legal abortion will be opposed by a broad coalition of secular and religious Americans.

I have confidence that in such a fight the American people will see the wisdom of Ronald Reagan who said: “Abortion concerns not just the unborn child, it concerns every one of us… We cannot diminish the value of one category of human life—the unborn—without diminishing the value of all human life.”