Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Help! My Student is Starting College! What Should I Read?

By John Mark Reynolds
Scriptorium Daily

Here are seven good reads that can help any parent to become one of the men of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do:

First, read Paul Johnson’s Birth of the Modern to find out how we got into this mess. (If history is not for you, then try Chesterton’s Orthodoxy (the screen crawl describing the birth of the modern)).

Second, read Phillip E. Johnson’s (no relation to Paul) most important book: Reason in the Balance. Johnson outlines the disastrous situation in education and proposes what should be done about it. Phil Johnson was influential in setting up the Torrey Honors Institute at Biola University.

Third, read the most important essay of the twentieth century C.S. Lewis’ Abolition of Man Lewis attacks educators who teach children to depart from “the Way” of civilized humans of all eras.

Fourth, in a culture that has confused erotica with romance read A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken. Vanauken learns that the even the best romance cannot compete with the Love for which all earthly affection is just a sign.

Fifth, the best quick and up to date guide to the “cultural captivity” of Christianity is by Torrey Visiting Faculty member Nancy Pearcey, Total Truth.

Sixth, an important book on the state of Christianity and what should be done about it is J.P. Moreland’s Kingdom Triangle.

Finally, do read C.S. Lewis That Hideous Strength a nearly prophetic novel about what can go wrong not just in education but in a scientific culture that forgets God.

Having limited myself to fairly contemporary books, I cannot emphasize enough the need for all of us who are of that parental age to reread the classics of our own college years. Get Dante out and work your way back through his journey. Read Republic. Netflix some Shakespeare. Grow mentally with your college age student. You will find the life experience you have gained over the years give you new insight into the classics! (more)