Monday, April 30, 2007

On Picking a College: Biola over Berkeley?

By John Mark Reynolds
Scriptorium Daily

I believe education is training to live virtuously. A good man can learn skills at any time . . . but intense mentoring to virtue is not going to happen accidentally at any stage of your life in this culture.


If you could be mentored by Peter (a fisherman) or Plato (the philosopher) which man would you pick?

At your age, I would have picked Plato . . . now I see that ignorance of God is a fundamental flaw that should be avoided at all costs. There is no real, systematic education in virtue possible without God. God gives a common grace to all persons (and so we can learn from anyone), but if one can, better to choose a role model who knows Him directly.

Peter (whatever his faults) saw God-in-flesh, was empowered by the Holy Spirit, and would have done more to stimulate my intellect than Plato. (And heaven knows I love Plato . . . )


In Torrey you will read both Plato and Peter carefully with professors empowered by the Spirit of God (God help us) . . . the same Spirit that filled Peter. We will always strive to see Plato through Peter (or Paul or John or Moses . . . ) not Peter through Plato. (more)