Saturday, March 31, 2007

Buying Alaska or Why Good Foreign Policy is Still Good Even If Done for A Bad Reason

By John Mark Reynolds

It is important to keep the lessons of the Alaska sale in mind when looking at foreign policy today. Something that is a good idea on general principles is still a good idea . . . even if the political or immediate motives fall through. History has a way of rewarding good long term thinking, even if the short term planning goes awry.

The Bush administration has made some good long term decisions in Iraq . . . but sold it with some bad short term reasoning.

Getting rid of Sadaam, putting American bases in the Middle East, and building a friendly more stable Iraq are all good ideas that could still put Bush on Rushmore.

In a Global War on Terror a man like Sadaam who was busy cozying up to every anti-American force for evil on the planet could not be tolerated.

Getting rid of a lunatic like Sadaam is good on general principles. Putting a more responsible government in the region is also a good idea . . . and if it turns out to be even a bit democratic might change the region forever.

History will judge such long term wisdom kindly. (more)