Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Think locally, act locally

I agree on all counts except for the author's comment on "'world economy'". Free trade is part of conservatism. Free trade brings in cheap foreign products without excessive and unnecessary tariffs. It drives the economy. It does not kill local traditions necessarily. Local traditions should not be free from outside influences. What Alexander the Great did in infusing the Greek culture in the places he conquered did much to civilize the uncivilized "barbarians". What many Christian missionaries have done to the cultures and traditions of the primitives should be considered noble and good. Local cultures and traditions should not be sheltered from outside influences including ones from TV. In fact, they should be subjected to them -- preserved when necessary and discarded when they become a hindrance to social development and morality. How can you compete effectively in the world economy if you don't know what you're competing against? TV as a means of communication and information dissemination has done wonders to civilization. This is of course not to speak of the ills it has created. Again, aside from this, I agree with the author on his commentary.