Monday, July 11, 2005

Political Correctness Eats Itself

Yet another example from a long list of liberal hypocrisy.

"Both groups [GLAAD and National Fair Housing Alliance] were allowed to pre-screen episodes before the series aired, and yet the TV writers, so eager to denounce 'censors' and their 'chilling effect' on 'artistic expression' before a TV show even airs, said nothing about these potential critics doing precisely that....

Some Christian conservatives complained as well, based on the promotional spots. The Family Research Council snuck into a few news stories, concerned with the Christian-bigot portrayals. But within a day of its expert Charmaine Yoest speaking to the Associated Press, ABC pulled the plug. (It should be noted that the FRC wasn't welcomed in by ABC to screen the episodes for any evidence of defamation of evangelicals.)

More irony, with a dollop of hypocrisy for good measure: The same newspapers that decry the dangerous tide of parental intolerance that might curb the 'creativity' of Hollywood had no problem dumping this show overboard. For example, New York Times TV critic Alessandra Stanley cheered: 'ABC was right to pull the show. There already is plenty of bigotry on reality television, let alone in real life.'"