Monday, July 30, 2012

“The Divine Grip:” Ralph Del Colle (1954-2012)

By Fred Sanders
The Scriptorium

Theologian Ralph Del Colle has passed away this week from cancer. When an accomplished thinker of his stature dies before age sixty, it is almost inevitable that he will have left some promising projects uncompleted. I think Ralph was working on a christology book, for instance, though I don’t know how far along the manuscript was. But Ralph’s work was of a special kind: his theological projects were so solid, so judiciously elaborated, and so fruitful, that I think he was consistently way out ahead of the current field. Trinitarian theology today still needs to catch up with the late Ralph Del Colle.

His greatest work was the published form of his dissertation, Christ and the Spirit: Spirit-Christology in Pneumatological Perspective (Oxford, 1994). Del Colle picked up the contemporary interest in using Spirit categories to explain how Jesus was divine, and rescued it for the cause of orthodox doctrine. Plenty of modern theologians had flirted with the idea that the real secret to Jesus Christ’s divinity was that he was a man who was perfectly indwelt by the Spirit of God, but most of the thought projects that started down that track ended up rejecting traditional logos-christology or at least relativizing it with a competing Spirit-christology. It has been sad to see a good insight into the Bible –that the Holy Spirit played an integral role in the mission of Christ– run off the rails into heresy time and again. And some kind of heresy, usually adoptionism, was always lurking in the regions  of spirit-christology.

The genius of Del Colle’s book was that, while equally excited about doing justice to the pneumatological element of Christology, he was fully committed to the Chalcedonian categories of classic christology. He wasn’t taking back one iota of the traditional doctrine: Christ is the second person of the Trinity incarnate, joining a complete human nature to the full divine nature in the hypostasis of the Son. But, he added, the role of the Spirit can’t be left as an afterthought: “the third article cannot simply be an addendum to the centrality of the second article in testimony to God’s saving gospel.” So, with the help of the very precise categories of Roman Catholic neoscholastic thought (names like Scheeben and Mersch occur frequently in this book), Del Colle set about describing the role of the Holy Spirit in christology proper, in a theological project “that attempts to inform christology with an equally important and central pneumatology.”

It’s a great book, a dense but readable tome brimming with insights into the Bible and historical theology, forging new connections, and squashing dangerous ideas flat. In the preface he declared his theological point of view:
The Christian experience of God is one with contours that are shaped by what Irenaeus imagined as the ‘two hands of God.’ Christ and the Spirit are God’s way into the depths of the human condition, the divine grip, so to speak, upon our fragile and tenuous reality. To know this, to realize that one is in the grasp of divine knowing, is the beginning of all Christian theology. My attempt in the following pages is to come to terms with that in the realm of a christology that realizes its dynamism must proceed from a robust pneumatology.
In print, Ralph Del Colle habitually expressed himself in technical theological vocabulary, writing clearly but at a high level of complexity. But look! If you read it carefully, you see in the paragraph just quoted the secret of his theological work: he studied christology and pneumatology in depth and at length because he knew Christ and the Holy Spirit in person. He never got lost in the thicket of scholastic or academic wrangling, because he went into that thicket fully equipped with the patience and the quiet confidence of a man who is intimate with the God he is writing about. When he named his book Christ and the Spirit, he named it for his savior and lord.

After that brilliant performance, I think the theological world expected more Del Colle monographs, but they never emerged. Partly this was because he had recurring health issues, but mainly it was because he made other investments with his very productive career. He did generate a series of important shorter pieces, articles (one of the best is available free here) and book chapters. But he also engaged in a fascinating series of ecumenical and interfaith dialogues, including work with Adventists, Oneness Pentecostals, and Living Stream Ministry (Witness Lee’s organization). He wrote a guidebook coaching Roman Catholics in how to converse with evangelicals, and he not only joined the Society for Pentecostal Studies but served as its president for one term. He was one of the founding editors of the International Journal of Systematic Theology, for which he wrote a series of wise, brief editorials. And he taught a lot at Marquette University for many years, especially giving guidance to doctoral students there.

Ralph was the outside reader for my 2001 dissertation on the Trinity. He was an attentive reader: the copy I sent him was missing p. 94, and he immediately wrote me to demand that I fax it to him, thereby passing the unintended “did you really read my whole dissertation” test! He flew out to California for the oral defense and subsequent celebration, and was as usual a wonderful interlocutor in all ways. He appreciated my work and showed me some places where I had lucked into the right answers without fully understanding what I was doing, and he also firmly corrected my mis-reading of Walter Kasper on an important point. I was a doctrinally conservative evangelical Protestant, and he was a doctrinally conservative Roman Catholic, and Berkeley was a strange place to meet. Between our agreement on the modifier “doctrinally conservative” and our convergence on trinitarian theology, we had far more to agree about than to disagree about. In the following years, we stayed in touch about a few issues in contemporary theology, and I always enjoyed checking in with Ralph at conferences. I’ll miss him, and I’m grateful for his work.

Ralph Del Colle’s friends and colleagues have put together a festschrift, A Man of the Church: Honoring the Theology, Life, and Witness of Ralph Del Colle, and Wipf & Stock may bring it out before the summer ends. Michel Barnes is the editor, and he promises that there is a previously unpublished essay by Ralph to be included in it: “Spirit Christology: Dogmatic Issues.”

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Some Proven Weapons in the Fight for Holiness

By John Piper
Desiring God Blog

When Paul says to put to death the deeds of the body “by the Spirit” (Romans 8:13), I take him to mean that we should use the one weapon in the Spirit’s armor that is used to kill. Namely, the sword. Which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:17).

So when the body is about to be led into a sinful action by some fear or craving, we are to take the sword of the Spirit and kill that fear and that craving. In my experience that means mainly severing the root of sin’s promise by the power of a superior promise.

So, for example, when I begin to crave some illicit sexual pleasure, the sword-swing that has often severed the root of this promised pleasure is: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). I recall the pleasures I have tasted of seeing God more clearly from an undefiled conscience; and I recall the brevity and superficiality and oppressive aftertaste of sin’s pleasures, and with that, God has killed the conquering power of sin.

It is a beautiful thing to be the instrument of God’s word-wielding power to kill sin.

Having promises at hand that suit the temptation of the hour is one key to successful warfare against sin. But there are times when we don’t have a perfectly suited word from God in our minds. And there is no time to look through the Bible for a tailor-made promise.

So we all need to have a small arsenal of general promises ready to use whenever fear or craving threaten to lead us astray.

Here are a few of my most proven weapons:

1. "Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand" (Isaiah 41:10)

I have slain more dragons in my soul with that sword than any other I think. It is a precious weapon to me.

2. "He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?" (Romans 8:32).

How many times I have been persuaded in the hour of trial by this verse that the reward of disobedience could never be greater than "all things."

3. "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me . . . And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:18, 20).

How many times have I strengthened my sagging spirit with the assurance that the Lord of heaven and earth is just as much with me today as he was with the disciples on earth!

4. "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you and you shall glorify me" (Psalm 50:15).

What makes this weapon so compelling is that God’s helping me is made the occasion of my glorifying him. Amazing arrangement. I get the help, he gets the glory!

5. "My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19).

The context is financial and material. But the principle is total. What we really need (not just want) will be granted. And what is need? Need is what we must have to do God’s will. What we must have to magnify our Savior. That is what we will be given as we trust him.

Be constantly adding to your arsenal of promises. But never lose sight of the chosen few that God has blessed in your life. Do both. Be ever-ready with the old. And every morning look for a new one to take with you through the day.