Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Oh, how do I count the ways....? -- Part 7

In a continuing saga of liberal hypocrisy, here is an article from Human Events.

So You're a Conservative . . . You Must Be a Nazi!
by Rabbi Aryeh Spero

Friday, August 26, 2005

Humans Are Ones on Display at London Zoo

The Brits are making a monkey of themselves. Dumb Brits.

More Abortions Than Births in Russia

All the while, Putin insists that his "democracy" is well and perhaps better than the American version. In reality what Russia experiences is a return to the old albeit modified version of socialist Russia of yesteryears wrought by the communists who abolished the vibrant Christian culture that existed for hundreds of years prior. The outcome? Fewer goods than bads -- the number of abortions surpassing that of births being a bad -- very, very bad. Is this what you call "progress", Mr. Putin?

Monday, August 15, 2005

Irrational Ms. Sheehan

This developing story on Druge Report validates my opinion here and here of this raving mad mother from Vacaville. Cindy Sheehan manages to be increasingly louder and more outspoken while becoming less rational at the same time with her opposition of Pres. Bush. Her outrage sounds less and less like a grieving mother and more like an ranting ideologue with an axe to grind. While the death of her son, Casey, is to be taken seriously, it does not warrant tax exemption. This makes no sense and has no precedence that I know of. What does the death of Casey Sheehan have to do with Israel pulling out of Palestinian territories? Neither non payment of your 2004 income taxes nor the impeachment of Pres. Bush will bring your son back from the grave, Ms. Sheehan. This war is waged with the blood of your son and that of the many beloved American sons so that 9/11 will never be repeated. We mourn the loss of these brave souls who fought for our freedom and way of life. You're making a mockery of this noble cause by taunting the IRS. Please, Ms. Sheehan, do us all a favor and go home. Mourn the loss of your beloved son and move on with your life.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Liberal Elitists Block Victory Against Terrorism

Human Events
by Rabbi Aryeh Spero

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Oh, how do I count the ways....? -- Part 6

Democrats Raiding Homeland Security Grants, Turning 9-11 Money into Party Slush Fund
by Michelle Malkin

Oh, how do I count the ways....? -- Part 5

This may be the best example of the liberal hypocrisy in my running count so far.

Castro Lovers Bash Bush as 'Tyrant'
by Humberto Fontova

London-based Group Seeks One-World Islamic State

Human Events

At A Minimum, The Most Costly Food Cop Idea

The Center For Consumer Freedom

Talk about absurd. This is liberalism run amok.

Man Dies After 49 Hours of Computer Games

Man leaving the dangerous and scary world of reality and escaping into the safety of the world of virtual reality.... Ironically, it isn't so safe there either. What might drive such a person to abandon what is real to what he knows to be fantasy? If only he would dedicate his life and energy to things of greater substance, what impact could he have made? Alas, it is too late. He paid a high price for something so meaningless.

CNN Agrees To Air Bloody Abortion Ad On Judge Roberts

This is developing on Drudge Report.

It's okay for NARAL to lie and manipulate facts but God forbid, Pres. Bush and VP Dick Cheney got their facts wrong. That's unforgivable. They ought to be removed from office. On the other hand, the sanctity of abortion and the institution of NARAL as well as the virtuousness of CNN must be preserved at all costs. These are brave soldiers and defenders of the freedom of pregnant women everywhere.

Coldplay's Martin Refuses To Be Photographed With Blair

Mr. Martin, being photographed with someone doesn't mean you have an allegiance to that person. If that were the case, the Middle East would be peaceful and friendly these days. After all, you can find plenty of photos of Israeli and Palestinian leaders shaking hands. Let your feeble minded fans deal with the photograph. What are you going to do if your fans don't approve of your friends who might be leaning a little too close to the center? Fans first, is it? I suppose that might be what you would call "coldplay."

Monday, August 08, 2005

Flip-Flopping Mother

I wrote about this Vacaville, CA mother here when her story surfaced in June 2005. Apparently, there is an earlier account of a meeting with Pres. Bush that was reported by THE REPORTER of Vacaville, CA that contradicts Ms. Cindy Sheehan's current view of the President and his administration. Her change of posture puzzles me. It does, however, substantiates her irrationality.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Oh, how do I count the ways....? -- Part 4

In a continuing tally of left-wing liberal hypocrisy, I bring you...

Liberal Media Blackout of Air America Scandal
by Michelle Malkin

How U.S. Media Help the Terrorists

Human Events

Tuesday, August 02, 2005