Saturday, December 16, 2006

Introducing 'Good News From the Front'

By Larry Kelley
Human Events

...the West was nearly conquered twice by militant Islam. Yet our European ancestors prevailed. And they did so with far fewer resources and military assets at their command than did their Islamic attackers. By the early 8th century, after 150 years of nearly uninterrupted brutal conquests, Islam had conquered two-thirds of Western Christendom. The Iberian Peninsula had fallen and the Islamic general, Rahman was razing coastal villages and taking slaves in Southern France while pressing northward toward the Loir River. Yet in 732, Charles Martel’s hastily assembled Gallo-Roman and German warriors crushed the larger army of “Saracens,” killed its general and drove them back over the Pyrenees. Fortunately for Western Civilization, Martel and his allies did not consider multilateral negotiations were not an option. (more)