Monday, December 11, 2006

Environmentalists: It's humanity's fault either way

UN downgrades man's impact on the climate
Cow 'emissions' more damaging to planet than CO2 from cars

Unable to blame humanity for full complicity for global warming due to lack of evidence (and unwillingness to admit to be part of the problem and thereby coming to the only possible solution of ceasing its own existence), the environmentalists turn to humanity's consumption for its destructive existence: livestock. But isn't this just a tricky and indirect way of blaming humanity and its inconsiderate consumption of other living things that upsets the balance created and sustained by Mother Earth because of the unfair advantage of technological superiority on its side? How dare we subject our will upon the innocent livestock and consequently the balance of nature? Isn't this the logical conclusion to such proposition?

The greed of humanity drives itself to consume more meat. To fulfill the demands created by greedy humanity, it needs to produce more cattle. Its consumption is generating destructive methane gases. In doing so, humanity destroys the world by bringing global warming upon itself.

How absurd!

Right up until this upside down, crazy post-modern times we live in today, the ability to have livestock for ownership and consumption was considered a blessing, a sign of prosperity and fortune. Not so in our time. Indeed it's a curse according to these environmentalists to have such an ability. Livestock is no bounty. It should be left strictly to Mother Earth to care and nurture -- so should mankind, oops, humankind. Humankind is better off living alongside animals it isn't allowed to consume. In their enlightened minds, it is unfair for humanity to use its superiority to dominate "lesser" beings. In fact, it is only because most people are unenlightened that we consider other non-human beings as lesser due to the unwanted curse of humanity's creative minds. Oh, the curse of having unfair advantage! How dare we evolve to such a state?!

But wait a minute! Is it me who's twisted in my thinking? Is it me who's seen this whole thing all wrong? Is it me who's unenlightened? Is it me who is the selfish one? Or is it the environmentalists for all of the above? The last time I checked, the greenies were the ones trying militantly to stop the rest of us by fiat from choosing to consume God's livestock. The last time I checked with the God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, I'm not the one who has it wrong.

What will they do next if they succeeded in convincing people of this absurd proposition? Will livestock be the only thing off limits for human consumption? If there is any logic to their thinking, then the answer is clearly no. To the environmentalists, it is humanity that is the problem, not the fact that it consumes livestock. Humanity by its nature has generated advances which put the rest at a disadvantage thereby endangering the balance of nature. The only possible solution is the elimination of humanity with the exception of the committed few who will relegate itself to a primitive state in order to safeguard the balance by a sort of self-assured guarantee of non intervention of nature's balance.

How corrupt and degenerate is this worldview? This is what happens when sin darkens man's soul and clouds his judgment. This is the upside down reality that results.

Thank you, Lord for giving us such a bounty that allows us to thrive. Help us to enjoy your blessing and share it with others. Thank you for giving us meat that strengthens us to do the work to expand your kingdom. May your name be glorified forever and ever. Amen.